Hôpital d’Yverdon-les-Bains
Établissements hospitaliers du Nord vaudois / eHnv
Yverdon-les-Bains, Canton of Vaud, Switzerland
competition – 4th place

The redevelopment of the hospital in Yverdon-les-Bains includes 18.000 m2 transformation and 43.000 m2 of new construction. With more than 200 beds, adult, pediatric and private services, the renewed and extended hospital will serve as a major emergency and surgical center for the canton of Vaud in the french part of Switzerland. Merging the existing building’s structures built in the 1980s to accommodate 21st century hospital spaces posed a real challenge, especially combined with the client’s need to operate the premises throughout the various phases of the development.
architecture and design:
medical technology:
HVAC, energetics, MINERGIE®:
electrical engineering:
healing spaces – Pál András Rutkai
healing spaces – Pál András Rutkai
eicher + pauli AG – Bern (CH)
HKG AG – Bern (CH)
Lars Visual – Budapest (HU)
Balázs Szabó – Budapest (HU)
Atelier 12 Mill – Lausanne (CH)
The redevelopment of the hospital in Yverdon-les-Bains includes 18.000 m2 transformation and 43.000 m2 of new construction. With more than 200 beds, adult, pediatric and private services, the renewed and extended hospital will serve as a major emergency and surgical center for the canton of Vaud in the french part of Switzerland. Merging the existing building’s structures built in the 1980s to accommodate 21st century hospital spaces posed a real challenge, especially combined with the client’s need to operate the premises throughout the various phases of the development.
architecture and design:
healing spaces – Pál András Rutkai
medical technology:
healing spaces – Pál András Rutkai
HVAC, energetics, building automation, MINERGIE®:
eicher + pauli AG – Bern (CH)
electrical engineering:
HKG AG – Bern (CH)
Lars Visual – Budapest (HU)
Balázs Szabó – Budapest (HU)
Atelier 12 Mill – Lausanne (CH)
South Buda Central Hospital
The Healthy Budapest Program / ÁEEK
Budapest, Hungary
competition – 2nd place

The South Buda Central Hospital is a 210,000 square meter project with 1200 beds. The task represents the largest greenfield hospital development the country has ever undertaken and one of the largest in the East-Central European region. The facility will contain an Adult and a Pediatric hospital, with inpatient and outpatient services, level-one trauma centers and a state-of-the-art interventional platform.
architecture and design:
medical technology:
traffic and public transport:
healing spaces – Pál András Rutkai
healing spaces – Pál András Rutkai
Lars Visual – Lars Lovas
Andras Munkacsy
The South Buda Central Hospital is a 210,000 square meter project with 1200 beds. The task represents the largest greenfield hospital development the country has ever undertaken and one of the largest in the East-Central European region. The facility will contain an Adult and a Pediatric hospital, with inpatient and outpatient services, level-one trauma centers and a state-of-the-art interventional platform.
architecture and design:
healing spaces – Pál András Rutkai
medical technology:
healing spaces – Pál András Rutkai
Lars Visual – Lars Lovas
traffic and public transport:
Andras Munkacsy
Forensikstation in Wil
Kanton St.Gallen Baudepartement – Hochbauamt
Wil, Canton of St.Gallen, Switzerland

The new, medium-security facility for the Psychiatrie St.Gallen Nord (PSGN) will be a new addition to the historic hospital campus, providing a secure yet human experience for patients and caregivers alike. The special needs of the patient population inside and around the building had to be harmonized with the surrounding residential zones. Key to the concept was to find an architectural solution that works from the functional and urban point of view at the same time.
architecture and design:
psychiatrie consultant:
healing spaces, Budapest – Pál András Rutkai
Dr Marton Kohl
Limes Model, Budapest
The new, medium-security facility for the Psychiatrie St.Gallen Nord (PSGN) will be a new addition to the historic hospital campus, providing a secure yet human experience for patients and caregivers alike. The special needs of the patient population inside and around the building had to be harmonized with the surrounding residential zones. Key to the concept was to find an architectural solution that works from the functional and urban point of view at the same time.
architecture and design:
healing spaces, Budapest – Pál András Rutkai
psychiatrie consultant:
Dr Marton Kohl
Limes Model, Budapest
Psychiatrie Obwalden
Luzerner Psychiatrie
Sarnen, Canton Obwalden, Switzerland

Situated next to the new building of Kantonsspital Obwalden, the historic psychiatry pavilion was subject to multiple alterations since its original construction in 1856. The purpose of the reconstruction is to create a new functional layout that separates ambulatory and inpatient flows and redefining the exterior and interior of the building, in a way that reflects its historic values and contemporary needs. Special attention was paid to the park surrounding the pavilion, renewed as a healing garden enabling various therapy activities.
architecture and design:
landscape architecture:
psychiatrie consultant:
healing spaces, Budapest – Pál András Rutkai
Panda Pont – László Andaházy, Loránd Andaházy
Lars Visual – Lars Lovas
Dr Marton Kohl
Situated next to the new building of Kantonsspital Obwalden, the historic psychiatry pavilion was subject to multiple alterations since its original construction in 1856. The purpose of the reconstruction is to create a new functional layout that separates ambulatory and inpatient flows and redefining the exterior and interior of the building, in a way that reflects its historic values and contemporary needs. Special attention was paid to the park surrounding the pavilion, renewed as a healing garden enabling various therapy activities.
architecture and design:
healing spaces, Budapest – Pál András Rutkai
landscape architecture:
Panda Pont – László Andaházy, Loránd Andaházy
Lars Visual – Lars Lovas
psychiatrie consultant:
Dr Marton Kohl
New Surgical Centre of the University Hospital Hradec Králové
University Hospital Hradec Králové
Hradec Králové – Czech Republic

Surgery is a well-established discipline in the University Hospital of Hradec Králové. The Bedrna Pavilion set a new design standard when it was opened in 1985. However, medical procedures, technology and the architectural concept of a modern hospital have changed a great deal in the past 30 years. Design of the new Surgery Complex is to represent all the advancements of the past decades to create a new, enhanced, flexible and ultimately healing environment that will serve for decades to come.
medical technology:
healing spaces, Budapest – Pál András Rutkai
András Csiszér
Csaba Gorzó
Surgery is a well-established discipline in the University Hospital of Hradec Králové. The Bedrna Pavilion set a new design standard when it was opened in 1985. However, medical procedures, technology and the architectural concept of a modern hospital have changed a great deal in the past 30 years. Design of the new Surgery Complex is to represent all the advancements of the past decades to create a new, enhanced, flexible and ultimately healing environment that will serve for decades to come.
healing spaces, Budapest – Pál András Rutkai
András Csiszér
medical technology:
Csaba Gorzó
Rehabilitation hospital – Hévíz
Medical Spa and St. Andrew’s Hospital for Rheumatology
Hévíz, Hungary
competition – Honourable mention

Hévíz is one of the cornerstones of Hungarian spa culture. Its rehabilitation hospital is located right next to the famous thermal lake that is aspiring to become a World Heritage site. The current state of the hospital and the spa buildings cannot live up to the spa’s history and the healing qualities of the lake. The new 340 beds hospital and a comprehensive redevelopment of the whole area will not only renew the outdated buildings but has the potential to give new identity to the entire site as well.
architecture, visualization:
medical technology:
healing spaces, Budapest – Pál András Rutkai
András Csiszér
János Kerese
Hévíz is one of the cornerstones of Hungarian spa culture. Its rehabilitation hospital is located right next to the famous thermal lake that is aspiring to become a World Heritage site. The current state of the hospital and the spa buildings cannot live up to the spa’s history and the healing qualities of the lake. The new 340 beds hospital and a comprehensive redevelopment of the whole area will not only renew the outdated buildings but has the potential to give new identity to the entire site as well.
healing spaces, Budapest – Pál András Rutkai
architecture, visualization:
András Csiszér
medical technology:
János Kerese